Working on Monhegan has been the most galvanizing experience I’ve had as a plein air painter; the crash of surf, accompanied by the lamentation of a gull, mix with the salt spray and drenching September sunlight to create some of the most exciting painting conditions in which I’ve ever worked. I’m just as happy, though, when the sky is heavy with storm clouds and the coastal waters put a shiver in me just to look at them—it’s those grays against the soft yellow greens of Manana resting across the wharf that continually send me reeling.  I’m grateful for every weather pattern and every little skiff that poses on Fish Beach for just being there waiting to be painted.

My mentor and beloved friend, Robert Angeloch first brought me here in September of 1997, and I’ve made it my business to get back to Monhegan as often as possible to meet these conditions and see what comes of it.

Kate McGloughlin

March, 2010